LAB 1 : Getting Started with ESP 32


NO.MATRIC: 192020269



In this Module 1 you will be learning:

  1. UNIT 1
    1. Introducing ESP32
    2. ESP Pinout
    3. Programming Environments
  2. UNIT 2
    1. Installing ESP32 in Arduino IDE
    2. Testing the Installation
    3. Deleting the Espressif folder
  3. Troubleshooting Tip
    1. Failed to connect to ESP32: Time out... Connecting...
    2. COM Port not found or not available


Introducing ESP32

The ESP32 which is the ESP8266 successor is loaded with a lot of new features such as combines Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities. In this project, we will be using the ESP32 DEVKIT V1 DOIT board.

ESP32 comes with the ESP-WROOM-32 chip. It has a 3.3V voltage regulator that drops the input voltage to power the ESP32 chip. CP2102 chip on the board allows ESP32 to program it without the need for an FTDI programmer.

ESP32 comes with two buttons which is Enable button and the Boot button. It had the following functionality:

1) If you press the EN button, it reboots ESP32.

2) If you hold down the BOOT button and then press the EN button, the ESP32 reboots in programming mode.


The table below shows the Specifications of the ESP32 DEVKIT V1 DOIT

Specifications – ESP32 DEVKIT V1 DOIT

Number of cores



2.4GHz up to 150 Mbits/s


BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and legacy Bluetooth



Clock frequency

Up to 240MHz






Capacitive touch, ADCs (analog-to-digital converter), DACs (digital-to-analog converter), Inter-Integrated Circuit, UART (Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter), CAN 2.0 (Controller Area Network), SPI, Integrated Inter-IC sound, RMII, PWM, and more


ESP Pinout

Programming Environments

ESP32 can be programmed in different programming environments such as Arduino IDE, Espressif IDF, Micropython, JavaScript, LUA, and more. However, in this project, we will mainly focus on Arduino IDE to program the ESP32 to work.



Installing ESP32 in Arduino IDE

Before starting the installation procedure, ensure that you already download the latest version of Arduino IDE on your computer.


To install the ESP32 board in Arduino IDE, follow these steps:

1) Open Arduino> File> Preferences

2) Enter into “Additional Board Manager URLs”. Then click the OK button.


*if you already have the ESP8266 board URL, you can separate the URLs with a comma.


3) Now, go to Tools> Board> Boards Manager

4) Search for ESP32 and press the install button. In this case, I have installed the ESP32.


Testing the Installation

1) Now, plug the ESP32 board into your computer.

2) In Arduino IDE, go to Tools> Board menu and find “DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1



3) In the Tools> Port: “COM4”, select your port. If you can’t see the COM port, you need to install the ESP32 CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers.


4) Now we will test the connection using the WiFiScan sketch available in the Arduino IDE. Go to File> Examples> WiFi> WiFiScan


5) A new sketch will open. Now press the upload button. Wait a few seconds while the code compiles and uploads to the board. If you find out that the terminal keeps showing connecting, you can try to press the BOOT button on the board several times to ensure the connection is successful.


6) If everything is done completely, you should see the following message.


7) Open the Arduino IDE Serial monitor in the upper right corner.


8) Remember to make sure that the baud rate is 115200. Press the ESP32 on-board EN button, and you should see the available networks.


Deleting the Espressif folder

*if this is your first time installing the ESP32 on Arduino IDE, then ignore this part.

1) Find the espressif folder and Arduino IDE location (installation path). Open Arduino IDE and go to File> Preferences


2) Copy the path location from the “Sketchbook location” field.


3) Now paste the path location into the File Explorer and click the “hardware” folder.


4) Delete the espressif folder


Troubleshooting Tip

1) Failed to connect to ESP32: Time out… Connecting…

If you try a few time to upload a new sketch to ESP32 and it keep fails to connect to your board, you can follow the following step:

i) Holding down the BOOT button on the ESP32 board

ii) Upload the sketch

iii) After you see the “Connecting…” message in the terminal, release the finger from the BOOT button.


2) COM Port not found or not available

After you plug the ESP32 board, if the Arduino IDE showing a gray out “Port”, it might be one of these problems:

1. USB drivers missing

2. USB cable without data wires.

a) To solve the first problem, you can download the driver according to the particular chip for the ESP32, in this case, our ESP32 board is using CP2102 chip. To download the driver, go to Google and search “CP2102 driver download”.

After installed, restart the Arduino IDE and you should see the COM port in the Tools menu.


b) If you have the proper driver installed, but you still can’t find the Port, check the USB cables that you are using as data wires. There are often have two types of wires, one is wires that could transfer data which is known as data wires while the other one is charge wire which can’t transfer any data. If you are using charge wire, your computer will never establish serial communication with ESP32. Using data cables should solve your problem.


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