
Showing posts from June, 2021


DKT 221/3 OPERATING SYSTEM PRINCIPLE     MINI PROJECT DKT 221/3 OPERATING SYSTEM PRINCIPLE   PART 1-CHECKING NETWORK 1. First let's make sure the connection is really down by pinging a known external address. I use Road Runner as my ISP, so for me the command would be:  :ping (This website is no more active) , You can try your blogspot website here: : ping 2. Something like this should appear: 3. Press Ctr/+ C to stop the output. If the command line says timed out, or says something about no host or bad route, the connection is indeed down. Let's try to fix it. PART 2(USING FILEZILLA) 1.  We open filezilla in LINUX In the terminal session (client ) run this command : ftp (my ip address for server) and type server username and password 2.  It should show something like logged on .Then type this command ls -la 3.You should see listing files.Run help to show a list of commands .They might not all available on your sys


  DKT 221/3 OPERATING SYSTEM PRINCIPLE     LAB MODULE 4 DKT 221/3 OPERATING SYSTEM PRINCIPLE     PART 1 : Using Grep to Find Patterns 1.  Use dmesg to create a file, so we can search for some information about your system:  dmesg >dmesg1.txt 2.  To see if the network is being used we can use ' grep network dmesg1.txt ' : 3. Then we use command ' grep -i network dmesg1.txt '.  ' -i ' in the command line tells grep to ignore case.    It make easier to see which network driver your system is using. 4.After that we use command ' grep -i cdrom dmesg1.txt'  5. grep returns a code based on the results of the search. Run the above command again (remember the up arrow shortcut?) : grep -i cdrom dmesg1.txt 6. Now run the following command: echo$? 7. Assuming the text was found , the return code will be o. Now search for a string that should not be there:  grep -i jimlewis dmesg1.txt 8. Run the following command: echo$? Part 2 : Using ZIP 1. Let