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      DKT 221/3 OPERATING SYSTEM PRINCIPLE     LAB MODULE 3     PART 1 1.     Use this command to open .bashrc file - sudo nano .bashrc 2.     Next we need to add the export PS1 command in the .bashrc. Go to the last line of coding and add - export PS1= "\h \u \w \$" 3.     In order to load the saved .bashrc file . We need to use this command then press ENTER - bash - . .bashrc 4.     To undo the change we need to go back to the .bashrc file again - sudo nano .bashrc 5.     Next . remove this command and save the changes - export PS1= "\h \u \w \$" 6.     After that , type the command again and press ENTER . Now we see that the PS1 is changed back to normal  - . .bashrc PART 2 1.     Create 3 dummy files , run and see the errors - ls -la F ile with no name.txt 2. Run the command again but enclose the filename in quotation . It wil work properly now - ls -la "File with no name.txt" 3.     Enter this command and press TAB . This will help


    DKT 221/3 OPERATING SYSTEM PRINCIPLE     LAB MODULE 2 PART 1 1.     Type in the command and press the ENTER - route 2.     Do the same , pressing ENTER after each command - uptime - ls - date - sync 3.     Now , press the up arrow key one time . You should see the following command - sync 4.     Now press the up arrow two more times . You should see         First time : - date Second time : - ls  5.     Press ENTER , the last command will run again . Pressing ENTER will always run the command shown PART 2 1.     Run a few commands such as - route - uptime - date - sync 2.     Next , run this command - history 3.     Look for a command you would like to run again , but instead of trying the command , type an exclamation point (!) and then the number next to the command as shown in the history listing and press ENTER - !10 4.     That command will run again PART 3 1.     Change to your home directory , in my case it's - cd /home/rienlinux 2.     Create a directory